Friday, June 10, 2016

Marble Rocks

#ashokasays Did you know 233:

In my yesterday's post I mentioned about Dhuandhar falls. Today post is an extension of this.

Marble Rocks..... also known as Bhedaghat, is a gorge, formed by the picturesque Dhuandhar water falls. (read post no 232 to know more on falls).

The Narmada River that flows through Madhya Pradesh has created a wonderfully carved soft marble gorge, stretching a distance of 3 km. The Marble Rocks towering nearly 100 feet high above the flowing river, the white marbles are covered with dark volcanic creases of green and black making the contrast even more enchanting. The waterfalls along the marbles and rocks create a mist-like effect, giving the look of smoke erupting from the water, making it a mesmerizing sight to see. This massive white water gushing down creates the waterfall, Dhuandhar that erodes the rocks and forms the gorge, Marble Rocks.

During the day, when the sunlight shines on the rocks, it is a delightful sight to see the marbles gleaming white. Even during the night when the moonlight beams on the rocks, its an awesome view. The white marbles are considered rich in magnesium and are considered closer to the league of soap stones. The softness of the marbles makes it easy for them to be carved on, and because of this feature the rocks have become even more popular.

If you want to enjoy the Marble Rocks in all its glory, the best way to see it is while taking a boat ride in Narmada River. There is also a ropeway or a cable car that takes you through the gorge making the experience of watching this marvel of nature, a stunning sight.

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