Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Unusual Exports - 1

#ashokasays Did you know 202 :

India has been an important trading centre from as early as the first century BC. Over the years, India has continued to be sought after for its products, ideas, ideologies and even human capital!

India’s exports are believed to have raked in over 318 billion dollars for the country in 2014 alone.

But there are some really unusual stuff this country exports.. I will give you two a day for the next 4 days....

1. Amla Juice

For many, summer holidays in India would be incomplete without biting into fresh gooseberries dabbed with salt and lal mirch. But did you know that this unassuming little berry has great international demand?

Amlas are known for their numerous health benefits – a fact that grandmothers across the country will definitely attest to. This is the reason the tangy berries often find their way into our pickles and juices. This is also the reason that states like Tamil Nadu, Telangana and West Bengal export Amla juice to Nepal, Australia, Canada and the UAE.

2. Body Armour

Men weighed down by their chain mail, heading grimly into battle. Resounding clangs as swords and spears meet the resistance of a metal armour. Battle scenes from a medieval past. These are typically the scenes the word ‘armour’ brings to mind; scenes one no longer associates with 2016.

But as companies in India will tell you, armours are a thriving business even today! Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab and Haryana are home to companies that manufacture and export full-body armour. These are typically used as display pieces in exhibitions or in plays in the US, Sweden and Canada.

But maybe, just maybe, chivalrous knights are making a comeback? One can always hope.

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