Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Babiya-The Vegetarian Crocodile

#ashokasays Did you know 271:

India is all about amazing stories! Apart from historical monuments which makes a place interesting, there are many other miraculous stories which makes India a truly incredible country. Once such story is of Babiya, a crocodile who guards the famous 1000 year old Ananthapura Mahavishnu Lake Temple in, Kasagod Kerala. (Some of you may have already seen this place)

Sri Ananthapadmanabha Swamy Temple is Vibrant with the spiritual power of Lord Mahavishnu is located near the northern end of Kerala, in Ananthapura near Kumbla in Kasaragod District. The temple is known as the moolasthanam, the original source, of the Sri Anantha Padmanabha Swamy Temple of Thiruvananthapuram, which is in the far south. The Landscape on the way to the temple opens a vast panoramic scene with ranges of sprawling hillocks on the background. An aura of peace and solitude permeater the whole region. On the midst of a vast grass land remains in splendorous charm Sri Anantha Padmanabha Swamy Temple, in the centre of a rectangular lake.
The original idols in the premises were not made of metal or stone, but of a unique mixture of more than 70 medicinal materials called ‘Kadu-Sharkara-Yogam.’ These idols were replaced by panchaloha metals in the year 1972. Efforts are now being made to replace them with idols made with ‘Kadu-Sharkara-Yogam.’
Legend has it that, Babiya is a local guardian of the temple. Babiya only eats the temple prasad which is made of rice and jaggery and does not harm anyone, including the fish in the lake. The crocodile is believed to be vegetarian and is guarding the temple for more than 60 years! Babiya is a total vegetarian and is fed daily after the noon worship conducted at the temple, it is given the prasads offered to the deity in the temple and they feed her like an elephant by putting the prasad in its mouth.

A story suggests that in 1945, a British soldier shot dead the crocodile. Later, the soldier died within few days with snakebite. People believed that it was a curse of serpent god Anantha. However, later another crocodile appeared in the lake. It is said that, if one crocodile dies, then another one appears in the lake.Nobody knows the source of crocodile since there are no rivers or lakes near by. The crocodile is harmless. Everyday the temple worshiper presents food to crocodile around 12PM.

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